Robin Pither

Graphic Design, Digital Illustration, Character & Asset Modelling for Games!

Physical Disabilities in Games

Do you see yourself represented in games?
Participate in my research to share more insight

Hi, I'm Robin, for my master's degree I am researching the representation and inclusion of physical disabilities in video games at the University of Bradford.

For my research I want to work with gamers and people with an interest in games, who are living with disabilities, to have a closer look at the design of characters with physical disabilities and how they are treated in games.

This is accomplished with a short online interview where we discuss existing character tropes and their potentially misleading depictions.

To participate in the study, please contact me at
If you are eligible to participate, I will send you three documents and a consent form, that will have to be signed and returned. After this we can then decide on a date to hold the interview.

The interview will be held online via the university's Teams software, no sign up needed. I will ask you a few questions about how your disability affects you and then I will present the current results of my study so far, so that we can discuss them.
The interview should take about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

If you are unable to stay for this duration, it is possible to arrange interviews in two or three sessions or to hold it in an alternate way.
If you require the documents or the interview in a different format, do not hesitate to contact me and I will send you the information with all the necessary adaptations.

Visual representation of the study process

To participate you need to be at least 18 years old and have had an interest in gaming for at least 2 years.

Please e-mail me by February 29th to participate

The ethics approval for this research has been granted by the Chair of the Humanities, Social and Health Sciences Research Ethics Panel at the University of Bradford on 22/01/2024.

About me ...

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I became interested in drawing at an early age. This led to my interest in digital illustration, video games, character design and 3D modelling.
I began my studies at the Macromedia Academy in Munich, Germany where I completed two years of Game Design and Development, learning the basics to 3D modelling and 3D modelling software, which is where I developed my focus on character design and modelling. This continues to develop on my own alongside my studies. Afterwards, I was admitted to the University of Bradford, where I earned my first class degree as a Bachelor of Science in Game Design and Development, with an emphasis on game character creation.During my time at University, I eagerly participated in internally held game jams where I experienced working on different types of games, learning to work with various groups of people and organising and dividing work to create the best possible game demo in the shortest amount of time.
Following my Batchelor's I am continuing my academic life with a Master of Philosophy at the same University where I'm researching the representation and inclusion of physical disabilities in video games.
I plan to follow up my Masters with a PhD by continuing to research the depiction of all types of disabilities in video games.

Digital Painting of a singer with a microphone

My work

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I am a Graphic Designer, Illsutrator and 3D Artist with a focus on Asset Creation and character modelling!
You can find some of my work here, on my Art Station as well as on my social media!

These are a few examples of my work, for my full portfolio please view my ArtStation page!

Contact Me

If you have any questions about my research or if you are interested in participating, message me here and I will reply to you as soon as possible!

Thank You!